“The difference between gods and daemons largely depends upon where one is standing at the time.”
“I will unleash the power of the Legio and we will rise to the defence of the ideals for which our world stands. The fury of Tempestus will fall upon the enemies of Mars and together we will scour them from the face of the red planet in a tide of fire and blood.”
Colour palettes, magnet guides and other questions answered
Engine Kill
Where it all began. Adeptus Titanicus 1988 – 2018
Adeptus Titanicus is the game that first hooked me into the hobby back in 1998. It is true I had dabbled a bit in the early days of warhammer fantasy back when it was citadel miniatures before Games Workshop became a thing, but Titanicus is what drew me in. The canvas the game painted of truly apocalyptic war engines battling it out using city-levelling ordinance like walking battleships fired my imagination. The way the crews were linked to consciousness of their engines, the different factions and class of ‘Titans’. Just the scale of it would shape the hobby for me over the next three decades. I counted myself privileged to have been able to contribute even a small part to some of the games successors and in no small measure thrilled, when in 2018 the original was realised in full by Specialist Games. Titanicus and it’s successor ‘Epic’ still remain my favourite arena of conflict, both as a painter and a gamer.