The Speaker of the Dead is a position held in renown amongst the warriors of Fenris.

The Priests of Fenris may appear outwardly barbaric, but beneath their layer of superstition and occult fetishes lies an order that is deeply committed to caring for the spiritual and technological well-being of the legion. They are a secretive and cautious group, specializing in their unique sub-division. In terms of their roles, the Speaker of the Dead fulfills functions comparable to those of a Chaplain and Apothecary in other legions. Therefore, it was crucial to ensure that both roles were represented in the miniature.

The base for my Speaker combines ‘The Master of Executions’ and ‘Wolf Lord Krom’, providing him with the necessary bear-like bulk befitting such a character. To create an aesthetic connection to the unit, I utilized a spare left arm from the Deathsworn.
Among all the characters I have created thus far for my heresy legion forces (which currently amount to three), the Speaker of the Dead stands out as my absolute favorite. The Space Wolves were the first army I assembled for Warhammer 40,000 back in ’98, and I even took them to the UK GT final. It felt fitting to reimagine them for the Horus Heresy two decades later. As I continue to expand my collection, adding one unit at a time, the Space Wolves remain one of my top choices to bring into battle.

There are no wolves on Fenris, but there is the ‘headhunter’

Hvarl the red blade

Outside of Russ himself and Lord Gunn, Hvarl is one of the more iconic VIth legion Jarl’s and a superbly cool character. Forgeworld’s character series miniature has its pros and cons and although overall I like it and in fact have one to include in the army at some stage, I opted for a kit-bash version acquired from ‘Anvil of Konor’ to lead my VIth legion forces during a 2019 weekend narrative event.

The wolf accompanying Hvarl is one of the Hasslefree miniatures resin variants which I picked up some years ago at Salute in the hope I’d find a good use for it. I’m not disappointed.